If you are trying to make payment with a credit card directly you will recieve an error. That is because as of now, we are not accepting credit card paymemts. Everything must go through the paypal pay option to avoid this error.
Sorry for the inconvience.
-The Royalty Rc Mfg Team.
At Royalty RC MFG, we believe in harnessing and unlocking peak performance. We have been growing and changing throughout the years, but one thing always remains consistent; our commitment to our shoppers. At Royalty RC MFG, we strive to provide the best and highest quality upgraded performance RC parts. Our online store offers a variety of RC parts, from chassis kits to wheelie bars and everything in between. Browse our site to see what we have in stock, and how we can help you get moving today.
Return Policy
Full refunds are avalible up to 24 hours after the purchase date. After the 24 hours there will be a 40% restocking fee, as all orders are made to order.